Friends of the Earth-Togo planted, on July 8, 2021, around forty young plants on one of the sites, - côté uninhabited of the lagoon of Tokoin hospital - of the commune Golfe 4, one of the seven town halls of the city of Lomé. This action follows on from; a partnership that our organization has forged; with said town hall. Reforestation concerns among other species; khaya senegalensis, coconut trees, orange trees, guava trees, jackfruit trees, sapote trees.
This activity is in line with the town’s greening process initiated by the two parties. Interviewed by the communication team of Friends of the Earth-Togo, the Acting Executive Director of the latter, Mr. AMEGADZE Kokou Elorm said that this activity is the first activity that the organization undertakes with the said municipality. He added that the NGO intends to continue this process so as to that the collaboration with the Commune is maintained and made permanent.
Regarding protection and the maintenance of seedlings planted in the ground, the communities associated with this activity are committed to maintaining them, know how to water them during the dry season, and sprinkle them with animal faeces to prevent animals from browsing on the leaves of the plants.