Our domains

At the heart of our areas of activity, the right to a healthy environment, economic justice and social equity

The action of Friends of the Earth-Togo stems from the major environmental issues to which human society is confronted. These include issues such as erosion biodiversity, climate change, desertification and drought, various pollutions.
Moreover, a good number of peoples, despite the proclamations of international institutions, continues to suffer from the pangs imposed by the multinationals, in the unbridled search for profit, and which result in massive violations of human rights.
To help deal with this, ADT-Togo has defined a number of programs through which our projects are implemented.

Climate Justice and Energy Program
It is about understanding climate change and its impacts, resisting polluting energies, extractivism and develop actions and strategies to increase community involvement affected in the fight against climate change and promote controlled renewable energies by them.

Food Sovereignty and Biodiversity Program
It aims to protect forests and combat desertification and deforestation in Togo, the preservation of ecosystems and endangered species, the preservation of local varieties, the promotion of family farming, agroecology and the fight against land grabbing land, genetically modified organisms, pollution of ecosystems by chemical inputs.

Community Development Program
It is a question of transforming the collective problems identified in the communities into initiatives of development, work towards a systemic response through the democratic participation of communities with the aim of realizing the sovereignty of the people.

Sustainable Chemicals Management Program
Chemical substances play an important role in the development of societies. However, their use is not safe for people. Therefore, the sound management of chemicals is an important component of Friends of the Earth-Togo's efforts to help achieve inclusive and resilient development, and which embraces national development priorities.

Program of campaigns
There is a campaign coordination that supports all programs. If necessary, she makes herself available to one or other of the programs in order to collect the greatest number of votes possible in favor of a given cause. Example campaign against chemical fertilizers (to support the Sustainable Management of Chemicals Programme); campaign against genetically modified organisms (in support of the Program on Food Sovereignty and biodiversity).
In the field, our approach is characterized by a participatory approach with the populations. We facilitate dialogue community and intercommunity to share experiences. We bring the voice of communities to the national, regional and international spaces and build solidarity with like-minded organizations to campaign against the system of oppression and give hope to oppressed people. The defense of human rights, of justice and gender is transversal to all our programs.