Lead paint is one of the main sources of lead exposure today. According to the United States Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, in 2013, the majority of lead contained in paints was the cause of 853,000 deaths. This striking observation led Friends of the Earth-Togo à à agrave; undertake since 2016, a plea for the use of lead-free paints. Lead poisoning compromises the development and future of children. It is responsible in the latter for : the decrease in cognitive and sensorimotor performance (lower IQ); impaired height, weight and sexual development; behavioral problems (hyperactivity/inattention/impulsivity); decrease in acuity; auditory. Lead-related disease is also not safe for pregnant women. It causes in her: impaired fetal development; the complication of the course of pregnancy; miscarriages, fetal death; premature deliveries. Disease management involves not only treatment costs, but also social costs such as the need for implement specialized education to combat lead-induced intellectual disabilities and loss of productivity; due to; decline in intelligence quotient. Discontinuing the use of lead paints has a low cost and several manufacturers are already doing so. reached reformulate their products to avoid adding lead. Disease management involves not only treatment costs. In the context of the international week For the prevention of lead poisoning, Friends of the Earth-Togo organized an awareness-raising workshop for stakeholders, and presented a statement of advocacy for lead poisoning. Togolese State, so that it develops by 2022, a legal text aimed at defining a regulatory threshold for the total lead content of paints in order to protect human health and the environment. ;environment.
Lead paint is a lead paint; which we added lead compounds to give it specific properties: color enhancement, anti-corrosive character; quick drying. Despite these advantages, the risks associated with lead poisoning, that is to say, exposure to lead are fundamentally devastating to humans and the environment. .
Lead poisoning causes in adolescents and adults : increased risk of chronic kidney disease ; the deterioration of the quality cum & decreased fertility masculine. It should be noted that the targets concerned by the sensitization are civil servants from the environment and health ministries, members of parliament and civil society, trade unions of painting professionals.