In order to heighten their ambition both for the atté nuation that for adaptation to climate change, the Paris Agreement invites signatory countries to review their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) every 5 years. The very first revision to this title is scheduled for 2020. Already in September 2019, UNDP launched the “ Climate Promise » to support at least 100 countries, including Togo, in the revision of their NDC. Two studies have been conducted. elaborated: · The study on the component adaptation to Climate Change in Togo's Revised NDCs · The attenuation component study climate change in Togo's revised NDCs Reports of these studies have been updated, in an part, the data relating to adaptation, and on the other hand, the data relating to the mitigation of climate change contained in the NDCs of Togo, based on the context of the implementation of the National Development Plan and the new programmatic developments, in particular the Government Roadmap 2020-2025 . Two national workshops were held. organized by the Ministry in charge of environment to collect stakeholder input not only on proposed mitigation measures, but also on adaptation measures. Suite à these two meetings, the NGO Friends of the Earth-Togo organized on August 26, 2021 at; Tokoin Seminary (at Césal) at; Lomé, a workshop for the evaluation of studies on the adaptation component on the one hand and the climate change mitigation component in the revised NDCs of Togo, with emphasis on the sub -energy sector. The workshop that brought together 15 CSOs working on the transition fair energy, made it possible to gather additional information and other contributions that have been made. subsequently submitted to the authorities concerned before the adoption of the NDCs. submit to COP 26. The meeting also informed the parties stakeholders on the mobilization to strengthen the national process of decarbonization of credit agencies at; export, and thus, to advance the process of just energy transition with CDNs. span>