On July 06, 2022, a delegation consisting of Adam Derman, Syndicate National Fishermen of Togo (SYNAPETO); HANSON Véronique and SOMI K. Pascal< /strong> (Doévikopé community) ; AMEDJAKE Kodjo (Community of Gbétsogbé and Katanga) ; and MENSAH A. Cyril (Friends of the Earth-Togo), visited at; the management of fisheries and aquaculture to meet its director Mr. ALI D. Christian. p>
The purpose of this visit was to discuss the < strong>advocacy document, explore avenues of collaboration and submit the advocacy document.
It should be remembered that this visit is a follow-up to; July 1, 2022 letter to the Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture requesting a hearing. The Director has been happy to welcome the delegation which included the team of Friends of the Earth-Togo and fishermen from the three target communities. The document presented. However it’s not been d’accord on the following points related by the fishermen contained in the document: § The vendors installed under the sheds of the market; to the fishes are soaked by the rain; § The lack of groynes along the coast to stop the advancing sea strong> § Putting groynes along the coast to slow coastal erosion § That the State should dredge the sand to the coast so that the land can be recovered for use strong> Also, It’s not pronounced; clearly on the issues of a possible oil and gas exploitation in Togo, arguing that this is not the responsibility of his service. However, a copy of the advocacy document has been released. update its layout. The next part of this dialogue process is to organize d’ other meetings with fishermen and other related ministries, including that in charge of mines and energy, and laying the groundwork for the next steps.