Friends of the Earth-Togo organized; a social forum of peasants, on December 19, 2020, in the conference room of the OCDI, Tokoin Césal at; Lomé, to discuss issues related to agriculture and promote agroecology and sovereignty food in the face of the challenges of global warming. < /span> An event which made it possible to highlight the vision that the NGO Friends of the Earth-Togo assigns to itself in relation to the defense of the rural world. The general purpose of the forum is to highlight the negative externalities of industrial agriculture and promote agroecology, in to support sovereignty within the territories, relying on a dynamic of mobilization and strengthening of the peasant movement. p>
More specifically it was about: a- Support and promote the implementation of peasant agriculture and food initiatives b- Strengthen collective dynamics farming and defending peasant agriculture and its role as vector of ecological and social transformation Organizations of society (CSO), communities à grassroots, peasant organizations and networks come from Afangnan, Dapaong, Kara, Lomé, Notse and Sokode, participating in the forum followed two communications in order to better identify the issues related to agro-ecological practices and sovereignty food. Communication 1< /strong> : Agricultural Sector: Issues and Perspectives, presented by Mr. DAROU-NANSAM Yasser from the Ministè re of Agriculture Communication 2< /strong> : Agroecology and Sovereignty Food, presented by Mr. Arthur ZOGAN, Executive Secretary of the Togolese Coordination of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers (CTOP), focal point of The Via Campésina in Togo Questions to better understand the themes developed by communicators have been asked by the participants. The two communicators intervened to answer questions. Le secretary from the fishermen's union of Togo, Mr ADAM Mr. A. Derman, also made an intervention to briefly present the Togolese fishing sector, the fishermen's union and their activities. In particular, he made it clear that the fishing sector is one of the best organized sectors in Togo. to answer other issues that affect anarchic fishing, the dichotomy between production and consumption, the ability to from agroecology to ensure sovereignty food, the relevance of the use of peasant seeds, the impact of the future establishment of cattle production areas, transhumance and its impact on productivity; in rural areas.
Indeed, two groups have been ; set up to work essentially on two themes: "How to succeed in agriculture in Togo in the face of climate change" and "What recommendations to make to the government/decision makers to the promotion of organic fertilizers". Both groups featured in plenary the conclusions resulting from their respective work.