Dental amalgams (materials based on mercury used to seal the cavities resulting from the elimination of dental tissue affected by caries) would be « one of the medical scandals of the 20th century ». This called a reaction from the community international. Thus, the thermometers at mercury base began to be withdrawn from the market, unless following certain international conventions.
October 10, 2013, indeed, the United Nations adopted an international convention on mercury, (the Minamata Convention), in the preamble of which the States parties have « recognized that mercury is a chemical of concern to consumers. on a global scale due to its atmospheric propagation at distance, its persistence in the environment.
This convention whose objective is to protect health Human Rights and the Environment against Anthropogenic Emissions and Discharges of Mercury and Mercury Compounds, each party to take steps to phase out the use of dental amalgams.
The Convention recommends to agrave; each State Party, inter alia, of « promote the use of cost-effective and clinically effective dental restorative materials that do not contain mercury”, to “promote research and development activities focused on restorative materials dental quality which do not contain mercury » , d“ encourage representative professional organizations and schools of dentistry to educate and train dental professionals and students to; the use of mercury-free dental restorative materials.
She also recommends them to « promote the use of best environmental practices in dental facilities to reduce releases of mercury and mercury compounds to water and soil ».
On February 03, 2017, the Togo has ratified the said Agreement. Despite However, dental amalgam remains a widely used filling material. by dentists and dental surgeons in the country because national universities continue to provide courses whose recipes are based on mercury amalgam fillings. N’having not been trained in the use of alternative materials, dental professionals generally do not dabble in it. It is therefore imperative to encourage the country’s universities to Build partnerships to change curricula and training on mercury-free options in dental practices.
This document shows, at ; through an argument, data to the support, the need for universities to change curricula to mercury-free alternatives. With this in mind, after some introductory remarks, this study will be structured around four main chapters and a conclusion.